середу, 31 березня 2021 р.

Дистанційне навчання 01/04/2021 6-D Pace Work ( Social Studies)

 Theme: The Declaration of Independence 

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Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting

Time: Apr 1, 2021 10:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 726 0639 8879

Passcode: s3i4An

Дистанційне навчання 01/04/2021 6- D Pace Work( Social Studies)

 Theme: Articles of Confederation

· acceptable - agreeable;

· central - main;

· Charles Cornwallis - a British general;

· confederation - a group joined together;

· convention - a meeting;

· delegate - a representative;

· discussion - a conversation for and against something;

· document - a paper that gives important information;


Independence and the Articles of Confederation

All are famous phrases that sparked the AMERICAN REVOLUTION. In the view of many colonists, British rule suppressed political, economic, and religious freedoms. Many of those that hesitated to support independence were soon convinced by the passionate words of THOMAS PAINE, SAMUEL ADAMS, PATRICK HENRY, and eventually JOHN ADAMS and Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independence in 1776, the American Revolution, and the creation of the Articles of Confederation represent the American colonies' first attempt to become a nation. This incubation was tentative at best, but ultimately led to success.

Дистанційне навчання 01/04/2021 6- D Pace Work ( Social Studies)

 Theme: The Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine advocated the independence of the American colonies from Britain. The writings of Paine, Samuel Adams, and others convinced Americans to set up their own state and democratic government.

As tensions between Britain and the American colonies increased, a series of meetings were called, including that of the SECOND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS (1775-1776.) On July 4, 1776, the delegates approved the Declaration of Independence, the event that marks the birth of the United States. Thomas Jefferson, a delegate from Virginia, drafted the document primarily as a list of grievances against the king. His most important words, however, clearly shaped the philosophical basis of the new government. The famous introduction clearly reflected John Locke's SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY: "...to secure these rights [Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Jefferson further reasoned that since the British government had abused these rights, the colonists had the right "to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government."

Shay's Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. When the central government couldn't put down the rebellion, the first stirrings of federalism began to gather strength.

The British, of course, did not recognize the Declaration and continued to send troops to contain the rebellion. The war continued until 1783, so the new government had to be put in place in a wartime atmosphere. The Articles of Confederation, a compact among the thirteen original states, was written in 1776 but not ratified by the states until 1781. The loose "LEAGUE OF FRIENDSHIP" that it created reflected the founders' reaction to the central authority of King George III.

The government gave most powers to the states, and the central government consisted only of a legislature. Above all, the colonists wanted to preserve their liberties, but the central governments' lack of power proved to be disastrous. It could not regulate trade or keep the states from circulating their own currency. No chief executive could make real decisions, and no national court could settle disputes among states. And perhaps most importantly, they could not efficiently conduct a war nor pay the debts incurred once the war was over.


T.: You have some cards (card#2). Please, fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. The first plan of government agreed upon by the colonies was called the________.

2. In the Articles of Confederation, the confederation of ______ states was called the United States of America.

3. Under  the Articles of Confederation, the government of the thirteen states was operated by ________.

4. The Articles of Confederation guaranteed the ___________ to be sovereign and independent.

5. Congress asked for a convention in __________ to work on the problem of establishing a stronger confederation.

Дистанційне навчання 01/04/2021 6- Д Англійська мова

 Thursday, the first of April

Theme: Sports. Across Cultures

1. Exercise 1 page 41.( To stretch or not to stretch)

Read the text and mark the sentences.

2. Exercise 2 page 41.

What do you do before you start exercising?

Describe your routine.

3. Exercise 3 page 42.

Read the texts and do the task.

4. Homework.

Exercise 1 page 43.

Send the photos of ex. 1 p.43 and ex.1 page 42 on Viber .

вівторок, 30 березня 2021 р.

Дистанційне навчання 6-D 31/03/2021 Pace Work ( Science)

 Wednesday, the thirty- first of March

Theme: Fossils

Join the lesson in Zoom at 9:00.

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Ирина Мебагишвили is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 31, 2021 09:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 724 2768 4180
Passcode: 4CJm5q

Дистанційне навчання 6- D 31/03/0201 Pace Work ( Science)

 Theme: Fossils.

In order to learn new items we start to work with lexical cards. (cards #1) Here you can see some new words:

- a fossil – the remains or impression of a (usu. prehistoric) plant or animal hardened in rock

- extinct – without a survivor; without force; dead

- mammoths – any of several species of extinct elephant s whose fossils have been found in Pleistocene deposits (beginning 1.8 million years ago) on every continent.

- resin – a sticky substance that is produced by some trees

- leach – to dissolve out soluble constituents from (ashes, soil, etc.) by percolation; to cause (water or other liquid) to percolate through something.

- fossilization – noun the process of converting, or of being converted, into a fossil.


  Now we are going to read the text.


     Fossils are the actual remains of plants or animals or the petrified traces of plants or animals.

Giant woolly creatures, called mammoths, have been found perfectly preserved in frozen soil. The mammoth is an animal now extinct. Extinct means no longer existing. The mammoth was a large type of elephant which once lived on the earth.The frozen physical remains of mammoths have been found in very cold, frozen regions. The frozen physical remains of mammoths are one kind of fossil.

Sometimes the physical remains of plants or animals are preserved in ice and snow, but sometimes the actual physical remains are preserved in amber. Amber, before it hardens, is a sticky substance called resin. Resin flows from certain trees and plants. Insects get caught in the resin. More resin falls on the insect and covers it completely. Later the resin hardens into amber, and the insect is perfectly preserved inside. Here is a picture of a piece of amber. Do you see the insect preserved inside the amber? Notice that the amber is a hard, yellowish brown substance.

Petrified traces of plants or animals are called fossils. Petrified means that the fossils have been turned to stone.

Probably the most common type of petrified fossil studied by paleontologists is a print fossil. A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils, which are actually the physical remains of a plant or animal or traces of past life. "Paleontologist” is the name for a scientist who studies all different kinds of fossils.

Sometimes a print fossil exists because a leaf left an impression, or print, in mud. Then the mud hardened and became stone. The impression of the leaf was left behind, although the leaf itself had decayed.

Another example of a print fossil is one which has the impression of a footprint. People and animals have left impressions of footprints in mud, which have later hardened into stone.

Some print fossils are molds where animal bodies once lay. These fossils were formed when mud covered the animals' bodies. Later, the bodies of the animals dissolved, but the impressions of the animals' bodies were left in the rock. Paleontologists can fill the molds with materials that harden into the shapes of the animals which once lay covered with mud.Paleontologists study all kinds of fossils. Fossils are the actual physical remains of plants or animals or petrified traces of plants or animals.

How Are Fossils Formed?

Some animals, such as mammoths, have been preserved in ice, and insects h preserved in resin hardened into amber.Most fossils were formed, however, after a plant or animal was buried under sediment. Sediment is material, such as stones, mud, and sand, which has bee along by water or wind. Whenever a load of sediment buried a creature, its were held together by sediment. After a while, the body decayed away and only parts (teeth, bones, shells) were preserved.Creationists (people who study science in the light of God's creation) agree Flood is the explanation for the fast forming of fossils. Usually there is little or no warning whenever a flood comes. Animals do not have time to escape. Floods carry sediment which buries the animals.

Sometimes the minerals of animal bones are leached. Leached means the mini the bones are washed away. Leaching has a peculiar effect on a bone fossil. L> leaves the bone fossil very light in weight. To prevent breaking a leached bon necessary to handle it very carefully. Petrified fossils are heavy, whereas leached are very light in weight.

"Fossilization'' is the word which describes what happens when things are quickly without having time to decay. In order for fossilization to take place, plants or animals must be buried quickly under sediment or something like volcanic ash fossils are found in sedimentary rock. Below is a picture of how fossilization car whenever an organism (a living thing) is trapped and buried in sediment.

     You have got the card with the task. We have just read the text and now let’s complete the sentences. (card #2)

Дистанційне навчання 6-D 31/03/2021 Pace Work ( Science)

 Theme: Fossils.

Card #2.

Task: Fill in the blanks with the right answers.

1. The ………….was a large type of elephant.

2. The frozen physical remains of plants or animals are one kind of …………….

3. The physical remains of plants or animals may be preserved in ………., …………… or …………..

4. ……………is a hard, yellowish-brown substance.

5. The actual physical remains or petrified traces of plants or animals are called ……..

6. The impression of a leaf is what is left behind; the leaf itself ……………….

7. Some fossils have been preserved in ice, and some have been preserved in ………….. hardened into ………….

8. Floods carry sediment which …………..animals which do not have time to escape.

9. The fossil record is evidence that there was once a ……………………

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 31/03/2021

Wednesday, the thirty- first of March

Theme: Sports. Writing skills

1. Exercise 1 page 40.

Read the email and put the paragraphs in the correct order.

2. Exercise 2 page 40.

Read the email. Which paragraph?

3. Exercise 3 page 40.

Replace the words in bold.

4. Exercise 4 page 40.

Fill in the correct adjective of opinion.

5. Exercise 5 page 40.

Put the words in the right order.

6. Exercise 6 page 40.

7. Homework.

Exercise 7 page 40.

Use your answers from ex.6 to complete the email.

Send the photo of this exercise on viber.

Join the lesson in Zoom at 10:00.

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Ирина Мебагишвили is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 31, 2021 10:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 750 6210 6722
Passcode: ik7xi9

понеділок, 29 березня 2021 р.

Дистанційне навчання 6-D 30/03/2021 Pace Work (English)

 Theme: Prefix 

Join the lesson in Zoom at 10:00.

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Ирина Мебагишвили is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 30, 2021 10:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 762 9735 6327

Passcode: J1szGH

Дистанційне навчання 6- D 30/03/2021 Pace Work ( English)

 Тема: Вивчення префіксів. Поняття префікса. Значення префіксів. Найуживаніші префікси в англійській мові.

 T.: At today’s lesson we are going to learn about prefixes. Systematizing material we’re doing a lot of different tasks.

     Firstly, let’s learn what a prefix is.

A prefix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each prefix has a general meaning.

     T.: So you will be able to understand what a word with a prefix means more easily.

 Let's look at an example.

       friendly unfriendly

.: The first man looks very friendly! I think it would be nice to spend time with him.

 The second man looks unfriendly. I don't think it would be much fun to spend time with him!

 We can see in the second sentence that we added the prefix "un-" to the word "friendly." This prefix "un-" means "not" or "the opposite of."

 Here are more examples with the prefix "un-":

happy ----> unhappy

finished ----> unfinished

believable ----> unbelievable

acceptable ----> unacceptable

 These words are all adjectives. We can also use the prefix "un-" with verbs.

 Look at these examples:

do ----> undo plug in ----> unplug

     T.: When you see a word that begins with the prefix "un-", you can know its meaning by looking at the word's root (the part that is not the prefix or the suffix). It might be a word you already know! But, be careful! Be sure you've seen the whole prefix before you decide the word's meaning.

 Look at the word below:


     T.: Let's try to find the prefix. Is it "un-" as in underdeveloped? No, that doesn't sound right!

 We know the word "develop," which means "to grow bigger or become more advanced." This is the root of our word!

     T.: So, the prefix must be under, which means "below," "lower," or "not enough." The word underdeveloped means "not developed enough."

     T.: Let’s look at common prefixes, their meaning, and an example word.

Prefix Meaning Example word

dis- not, opposite of disagree

in-, im- not incorrect, impossible

mis- incorrectly misunderstand

re- again redo (do again)

un- not uninteresting

under- below, lower, not enough underwater

Дистанційне навчання 6- D 30/03/2021 Pace Work ( English)

 Тема: Вивчення префіксів. Поняття префікса. Значення префіксів. Найуживаніші префікси в англійській мові.


     T.: Now, let’s do some written tasks. Look at your cards.

The first your task is to complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to help you. (card #1)

The second task is to choose the right answer. (card #2)

The third task for you is to use prefixes to find the opposite of the verbs. (card #3)

Card #1

Complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to help you.

dis- -in mis- re- un- under-

1. I just can't believe it! The story is _____believable!

 2. No, that answer is _____correct. It is wrong.

 3. Let's look at this information again. We should _____view it before the test.

 4. I saw Allison just a moment ago, but now I can't find her! It seems that she _____appeared!

 5. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you correctly. I _____understood you.

 6. The subway does not go over the land like a normal train. It moves _____ground.

Card #2

Choose the right answer.

1. His behavior is .

  inacceptable unacceptable

 2. nutrition is a major problem in many countries of the world.

  Inadequate Unadequate

 3. She is impatient, inattentive, and .

  impredictable inpredictable unpredictable

 4. The opposites of "common, fair, sociable" are formed with the prefix .

  in un

 5. The opposites of "convenient, famous, sufficient" are formed with the prefix .

  in un

 6. Her remark about his family was impolite and .

  disrespectful irrespectful misrespectful

 7. I'm very sorry. I probably your book, and now I can't find it.

  displaced misplaced unplaced

 8. The start button is activated and by pushing this lever up and down.

deactivated deactivated disactivated desactivated

 9. Have you read the to this book?

  Foreword forword forward

 10. I forgot to tell you that we had some expenses during our trip.

  unforeseen unforseen

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д 30/03/2021 Англійська мова

 Theme: Sports. Listening skills 

1. Exercise 1 page 38.

Listen and do the task.

2. Exercise 2 page 38.

Listen and do the task.

3. Exercise 3 page 38.

Listen and do the task.

4. Homework.

Do ex. 1, 2 page 39.

Send the photos of ex. 3 p.38, 1 and 2 p.39.

неділю, 28 березня 2021 р.

Дистанційне навчання 6- Д Англійська мова

 Monday, the twenty- ninth of March 

Theme: Grammar in use. Modals 

1. Exercise 7 page 37.

Rephrase the following sentences in as many ways as possible.

2. Exercise 8 page 37.

Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive with or without to.

3. Exercise 9 page 37.

Complete the second sentence.

4. Exercise 10 page 37.

Complete the second sentence.

5. Homework.

Exercise 11 page 37.

Choose the correct word.

Send the photos of ex. 9,10,11 p.37 on Viber.

Join the lesson in Zoom at 10:00

Follow the link:Ирина Мебагишвили is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 29, 2021 10:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 726 1238 0652

Passcode: 2RCFxb

Дистанційне навчання 6-D 29/03/2021 Pace Work (Maths)

 Theme: Maltiplication 

Join the lesson in Zoom at 9:00.

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Ирина Мебагишвили is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ирина Мебагишвили's Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 29, 2021 09:00 AM Kiev

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Meeting ID: 756 6360 2213

Passcode: G2uarg

Дистанційне навчання 6-D 29/03/2021 Pace Work (Maths)

 Тема: Математична дія – Множення. 

 In this lesson, we will review multiplication. 
 Brainstorm the situations - 
 What mathematical operation are these words connected with? 
1. multiplication 2. multiply 3. times 4. problem 5. product Multiplication There are many things that can be multiplied: numbers, vectors, matrices, functions, equations, sets, pegs... 

As an abstract operation, multiplication is the same as addition. Both are binary (i.e., defined for two elements) operations satisfying the same set of axioms: The basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition. 
 For example: 5 × 3 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 But as well as multiplying by whole numbers, you can also multiply by fractions or decimals. For example 5 × 3½ = 5 + 5 + 5 + (half of 5) = 17.5

Дистанційне навчання 29/03/2021 Pace Work ( Maths) 6-D

 Monday, the twenty-ninth of March.

Тема: Кількісні числівники Cardinal Numbers

T: The theme is called “Cardinal numbers”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!



T: Look at the card, please. What sound is it?

P1: It is [æ].

T: You are right! Now, name as many words with this sound as you can. Let's do it one by one.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: black, bat, back. Now, repeat the tongue twister all together/ one by one.


Black back bat


T:  Children, the numbers can be cardinal and ordinal. Today we should learn how to write cardinal numbers.

 T: You will get a card with cardinal numbers and you should write the words.

11, 30, 50, 17

7, 16, 90, 40

10, 100, 15, 8

70, 80, 13, 4


T: Now, let's solve word problems.

1. Kate had forty stamps. She presented Tim with fourteen and Jess with twelve. How many stamps does Kate have?

2. There were seventy animals in the zoo. In spring they gave birth to fourteen more. How many animals are there in the zoo?

3. There were two hundred books in school library. Children took twenty. How many books are there in the library?