четвер, 14 січня 2021 р.

Дистанційне навчання 15/01/2021 Англійська мова 6- Д


Theme: Feelings. Grammar in use 

1. Exercise 9 page 49.

Label the pictures.

2. Exercise 10 page 49.

Listen to three people describing their feelings. How did each person feel? Why? 

Click on the link


3. Exercise 11 page 49.

When was the last time you felt: angry? sad? worried? excited? scared? tired? relieved?

4. Exercise 2 page 50.

Fill in the gaps in the table with was, were, weren't.

5. Homework. 

Prepare the retelling of the story about rainbow on page 46.

Join the lesson in Zoom at 10:39.

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