вівторок, 17 березня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання 2020

PACE WORK ( Science) 18\03
Тема: Частини тіла метеликів
Read the words and guess the meanings (using the picture

Abdomen, thorax, antenna, hind wing
Butterflies are insects.  Just like all other insects, they have  three body parts (the head, thorax, abdomen), six jointed legs, two knobbed antennaes and compound eyes.  They also have four large wings that are normally covered by colored scales.  They also have a proboscis to suck or sip nectar from flowers.  The proboscis is like a long tongue.  Their bodies are covered by very tiny hairs.  Moths have more hair on their bodies as compared to the butterflies.  The hairs help them to feel the environment and get information when they are flying.

Butterflies and moths are classified under a group of insects called, Lepidoptera.  This is from the Latin words “lepido” for scale and “ptera” for wings but take note that there are some moths that do not have wings.  Notice the veins in the wings?  These veins supply nourishment or blood to the wings. The wings will become ragged and the colors fade as they age. Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.  They need to warm themselves up in the sun in the cool weather.  Butterflies come out only during the day but are most active in the mornings.  They go out to warm themselves in the sun.
1.      Butterflies are not insects. (f)
2.      They have  three body parts (the head, thorax, abdomen). (t)
3.      They also have five large wings that are normally covered by colored scales. (f)
4.      Their bodies are covered by very tiny hairs. (t)
5.      Butterflies and moths are classified under a group of insects called, Lepidoptera. (t)
6.      Veins supply nourishment or blood to the wings. (t)
7.      Butterflies can fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees. (f)
8.      Butterflies need to cool themselves  in the sun in the cool weather.  (f)
9.      Butterflies come out only during the night but are most active in the mornings. (f)

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