четвер, 22 вересня 2022 р.

Дистанційне навчання 23/09/2022 Pace Work ( Word Building) 8-D

Friday, the twenty third of September 
Theme: Syllables

 A word can have more than one syllable. The following words are examples of words with two syllables. Here are examples of words with 2 syllables. The different syllables are shown on the right, and they are separated with a space.

garden: gar den

hotel: ho tel

consist: con sist

 3 Syllables

 Examples of words with three syllables:

September: sep tem ber

department: de part ment

telephone: te le phone

4 Syllables

 Examples of words with four syllables:

kindergarten: kin der gar ten

information: in for ma tion

 That is not all, of course. There can be words with even more syllables.

Word Stress

 When a word has more than one syllable, not all syllables are pronounced with the same degree of force. The syllable which is pronounced with greater force is called the stressed syllable. You can also call it the accented syllable. "Accent" in this case means "emphasis".

     T.: When speaking, it is important to put the stress on the correct syllable. Otherwise, it would sound unnatural, and might even be difficult to understand! Here are some examples of the word stress of some common words:

water: wa ter

people: peo ple

television: tel e vi sion

Дистанційне навчання 22/09/2022 Pace Work (Social Studies) 8-D

Thursday, the twenty second of September 

Theme: Golden Rush

Lesson 2

While - reading task

a) Skimming.

Т: What do you want to know about the Gold Rush?

Write 5 questions and then look through the text and try to find out the answers for your questions.

b) Scanning.

Т: Read the text again and write down the Key-facts about the events in Alaska.

Post-reading task

2. Speaking

When was Alaska's gold rush founded?

What was Alaska's population before the gold rush?

Was Alaska's economy affected by the gold rush?


What is a similarity of the Alaska's gold rush and the California gold rush? Read answer...


What is the difference between Alaska's gold rush and the California gold rush? Read answer...


What was Alaska's climate in 1897 during the Klondike gold rush?

вівторок, 20 вересня 2022 р.

Дистанційне навчання 21/09/2022 Pace Work ( Science) 8-D

Wednesday, the twenty first of September 

Theme: Fossils.

In order to learn new items we start to work with lexical cards. (cards #1) Here you can see some new words:

a fossil – the remains or impression of a (usu. prehistoric) plant or animal hardened in rock

extinct – without a survivor; without force; dead

mammoths – any of several species of extinct elephant s whose fossils have been found in Pleistocene deposits (beginning 1.8 million years ago) on every continent.

- resin – a sticky substance that is produced by some trees

leach – to dissolve out soluble constituents from (ashes, soil, etc.) by percolation; to cause (water or other liquid) to percolate through something.

fossilization – noun the process of converting, or of being converted, into a fossil.

понеділок, 19 вересня 2022 р.

Дистанційне навчання 20/09/2022 Pace Work (English) 8-D

Tuesday, the twentieth of September 

Theme: The verb

Is the bold verb an auxiliary or a full verb?
am hungry. 
They will help you. 
We do not know his address. 
My friend Amy does a lot of sports. 
How much is it? 
am reading an interesting book at the moment. 
Will you be there? 
She has never been to London
Does he speak English? 
They have a cat and a dog.

Complete each sentence with the correct auxiliary verb.
What…  you done?
I … not like this song.
… she know that you are here?
The lesson … not started yet.
 …you drink milk?
Who…  eaten my biscuits?
It … not matter.
They … not want to play outside.
We … not seen you for a long time.
My friend … sent me some photos.

Complete each sentence with the correct auxiliary verb.
The train … just arrived.
… you understand?
They … been learning English for two years.
… you heard that?
My uncle … not eat fish.
I … not live here.
… anybody rung up for me?
She … not play the piano.
How … we get there?
Where … he live?

неділя, 18 вересня 2022 р.

Дистанційне навчання 19/09/2022 Pace Work ( Maths) 8-D

Monday, the twentieth of September
Theme: Division 
Word Problems

Lexie has a lot of art materials. She needs to organize all these materials into containers.
1. She counted her crayons and found out that she has 80 crayons which she will place in crayon boxes. Every crayon box can contain 8 crayons. How many crayon boxes does she need?
Answer: 80 ÷ 8 = 10
She needs 10 crayon boxes.

 2. A pile of clean white paper was stacked in the corner of her room. She decided to place these papers in paper envelopes which can contain 10 white papers. How many paper envelopes does she need if she has 120 clean white papers?
          Answer: 120 ÷ 10 = 12
She needs 12 clean white papers

 3. Beside the pile of clean white paper was a stack of 700 sheets of used paper. She wants to place it in boxes for recycling. If every box can contain 100 sheets, how many boxes does she need?
          Answer: 700 ÷ 100 = 7
She needs 7 boxes.

 4. Lexie’s mom gathered all her watercolor paintings and thought of placing an equal number of paintings in four of the rooms in the house. If Lexie has 32 watercolor paintings, how many paintings will be placed in each of the four rooms?
     Answer: 32 ÷ 4 = 8
There will be 8 paintings to be placed in each of the four rooms.

четвер, 15 вересня 2022 р.

Дистанційне навчання 16/09/2022 Pace Work ( Word Building) 8-D

Friday, the sixteenth of September

Why is English word pronunciation important?

 Have you noticed that sometimes, even though you can speak English well, have a good vocabulary, and use grammar properly, something still does not sound natural? Or in other words, your foreign accent is just too obvious… This can also make understanding you more difficult for other people.

 This could be a common problem among English learners. Each comes from a different country, a different language, with its different pronunciation ways and accents.

     T.: However, is it unchangeable? Do you have to keep your original accent when speaking English? That depends on how hard-working you are in practicing the new sounds. But let's agree on one thing: with some decent practicing you can definitely improve your pronunciation and your accent!

What Makes an Accent?

 Accent seems so natural to us, that we sometimes forget what makes an accent.

 Basically, the way you pronounce each sound of the language affects your overall accent.

 For example, the sound of the letter R is pronounced differently by Spanish, German and English speakers. The same is true for many other sounds. And so you get your accent…

 The method to improve your English accent, or your English word pronunciation, is to practice the proper ways to pronounce the sounds of English. Each sound is produced in a certain way, and when you produce it right, it sounds natural.


     T.: You have got cards with a poem. Let’s read it. (card #1)

2. Writing

     T.: Let’s do some writing task to improve your knowledge (card #2).

Task: Put the word stress of some common words:

little: lit / tle

petal: pet / al

turtle: tur / tle

ankle: an / kle

riddle: rid / dle

arrow: ar / row

nickle: nick / le

cotton: cot / ton

student: stu / dent

teacher: teach / er

children: chil / dren

pottery: pot / ter / y

learning: learn / ing

textbook: text / book

watching: watch / ing

screaming: scream / ing

misbehaving: mis / be / hav / ing