четвер, 26 березня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання 2020

Lesson 10 ( 27/03 ) 5-D
Topic: Food. (Лексичні тренувальні вправи)

1.Do lexical exercises 1-4 
2. Hometask: ex 5-6

Good luck!

  Дистанційне навчання 2020

   PACE WORK (Word Building) 27\03

    Тема: Звукове значення літери «с»

          The rule is: The letter c represents /s/ before the letters e, i or y; otherwise it represents /c/.
And here are some examples to show you how broadly useful this rule actually is.

cent: /s/ because it is followed by e
city: /s/ because it is followed by i
cyst: /s/ because it is followed by y
cat: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cot: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cut: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
class: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cross: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
back: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y (so the ck acts like kk)
scent: /s/ because it is followed by e (so the sc acts like ss)
since: digraph ce is /s/ because the c is followed by e
accuse: both /c/ because neither is followed by e, i or y (akkuse)
accent: first is /c/ but second is /s/ (ak-sent)
static: /c/ because it is not followed by e, i or y

Write the words below onto the correct list:
c u t          c u r l
c e l l        c a l l
c i t y        i c y
c o o l               f a n c y
f e n c i n g       c o u c h
d a n c i n g      c l a p
c u r t a i n        c e r t a i n
Cat                                                 cent
____________                       ____________
____________            ____________
____________            ____________
____________             ____________
____________             ____________
____________             ____________

A. Reading
Jack is a bachelor. He works in downtown Chicago as a shoe salesman. Every morning on his way to work, Jack stops at a donut shop and buys a chocolate donut and a cup of coffee. Jack likes this morning routine because it is quick and easy. He doesn’t have to cook breakfast or wash the dishes.
Last time Jack went to the doctor for a check-up his doctor told him that he had high cholesterol. The doctor told Jack to stop eating foods that are high in fat. Donuts are fried in a lot of fat.

Post-reading activities
B. True or False
1. ________ Jack is a shoe salesman in Seattle, Washington.
2. ________ Jack is married, but he and his wife are getting a divorce.
3. ________ The nurse told Jack to stop eating fatty foods like donuts.
4. ________ In the picture, Jack is sitting on a stool and drinking coffee.
         5. ________ Donuts are healthy because they are fried in fat.

середа, 25 березня 2020 р.

  Дистанційне навчання 2020

 PACE WORK (Social Studies) 26\03

Тема: Заселення Америки. Перші американці
T: Match the words with their translation
a)      Trade-                    1) бобер
b)     Beaver-                   2) пувичка, намистина
c)      Otter-                      3) сокира
d)     Mink-                      4) видра
e)      Bead-                        5) торгівля
f)       Axe-                          6) норка
g)      Hatchet-                  7) сокира, томагавк

                  Trading between French and Native Americans
        The only things which these Indians had to sell or trade and for which the French traders cared to barter where the skins of furbearing animals. These included the beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, and several others, all of which were then more or less common in Oklahoma and for which there was a great demand in Europe. They also bought or traded for the beautifully tanned buffalo robes which were to be had in every Indian village. In exchange for these articles, the French traders gave knives, beads, axes, hatchets, hoes, brightly colored cloths, mirrors, paints and other things that liked the Indians.
The French traders found their way into remote parts of Oklahoma by way of small boats, canoes made of tree trunks. The traders who dealt with the Indians of the southern part of Oklahoma came up the Red River, from Louisiana. Those who came to deal with the Indians of the central and northern parts of the state came up the Arkansas River from the settlements near its mouth. These French traders left little or nothing behind them in the way of written records, yet the occasional finding of relics of that fur trading era, which began nearly three hundred years ago, give hints of the brave men who went forth into the great wilderness to trade and gather furs..
The French traders always strove to make friends with the Indians and to treat them kindly. For this reason they generally found the Indians peaceable and friendly. In 1763, at the close of the French and Indian War, the French possessions west of the Mississippi River, then known as the Province of Louisiana, were transferred to Spain and, for forty years, were included as a part of the Spanish dominions in North America.
Answer the questions:
1.      What did the French buy and sell to the Indians?
2.      How did the French traders find their way into remote parts of Oklahoma?
3.      How did the French treat the Indians?
4.      Was it honest trading with the Indians?
Match the words to their definitions:
1) Trade       a) a big animal used in farming
2) bead          b) a material used for making clothes
3) axe             c) a small bright colored thing used for decorating clothes
4) cloth           d) a tool used for cutting wood
5) settlement    e)  transfer of the ownership of goods from one person  to   another
6) buffalo          f) to act other people kindly  
7) to treat           g) a place where a community lives

 Дистанційне навчання 2020

Class 5
Topic: Food. Present Perfect.
1. Look at the table Present Perfect on page 127. Read the examples.

2. Present Perfect  
вживається для дій, які відбулися в минулому, але мають результат або пов'язані з теперішнім. Ці дії означають:
особистий досвід або зміни (I have cut my hair)
дія, яка відбулася нещодавно, час виконання не вказано (He has baked a cake)
дія почалася в минулому та триває до цього часу (We have lived in this city for ten years)

Present Perfect 
утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова have/has та Past Participle (третьої форми неправильного дієслова або закінчення -ed до правильного дієслова)

They have painted the house.
They haven't painted the house.
Have they painted the house? Yes, they have.

She has drawn a picture.
She hasn't drawn a picture.
Has she drawn a picture? No, she hasn't.

Показники часу
already - 
for - 
since - 
just - 
yet - 
ще не
ever - 
never - 
this week - 
цього тижня
You can also watch a video. Click on the link below.

2. Do exercises 12 and 13 on page 127 in your textbooks. We will check them when you are back at school.
3. Your home task is exercise 14 page 127. Write what you have/haven't done today. Send your answers to my email.

Good luck and thank you for your work!

вівторок, 24 березня 2020 р.

     Дистанційне навчання 2020

     PACE WORK (Science)   25\03
Тема: Історія про ковчег Ноя. Велика повінь.
disaster – an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage.
consequences – results of effects of something.
tragedy – a very sad situation, usually because it involves death or great suffering.
ordeal – an extremely unpleasant experience, especially one that lasts for a long time.
excess – greater than is usual; too much of something.
soil – the substance on the surface of the Earth in which plants grow.

Noah Builds an Ark
God told Noah to build a big boat, called an ark, and He told Noah exactly how to do it. The ark was to be 450 ft. (137 m) long, 75 ft. (23 m) wide and 45 ft. (14 m) high. It was to have three decks, be divided into rooms and have a door in the side.
Noah was to find one male and one female of every kind of animal and bird and take them into the ark. He also had to take food for all those animals. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark and find all the animals to put in it, but Noah obeyed God and did just as he was told.
The Great Flood
 Noah was 600 years old by the time everything was ready. God told Noah to go into the ark with his wife, his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives. Then it started to rain. It rained without stop for forty days and nights! The water got so deep that even the mountains were covered. Every living creature on earth died in the flood. But the ark floated on top of the flood waters and the people and animals in the ark were safe. 
Noah knew the dove had found dry land when it returned to him carrying an olive branch.
 Eventually, the water started to go down again, and the ark came to rest in the mountains of Ararat. After being on the ark about 11 months, Noah sent out a dove to see if it would find land, but it found no place to rest and returned to the ark. Seven days later, Noah sent the dove out again. This time it flew back carrying an olive leaf, and Noah knew it had found land. After a full year on the ark, God said to Noah, Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you – the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground – so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it.
God Makes a Promise to Noah
 After leaving the ark, Noah built an altar and worshipped God. God was pleased with Noah, and He promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood. Then God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of that promise. The descendants of Noah and his sons filled the whole earth with people again.
Post-reading activities
God told Noah to build a big boat, called an ark. (t)
It was to have four decks, be divided into rooms and have a door in the side. (f)
Noah was 500 years old by the time everything was ready. (f)
The water got so deep that even the mountains were covered. (t)
The ark came to rest in the mountains of Elborus. (f)
After a full year on the ark, God said to Noah “Come out of the ark”. (t)

Discussion Questions:
1. In our story today how long did it rain? 
2. Who shut the Ark's door once Noah, his family and all the animals where inside the Ark? 
3. How deep was the flood? Did it cover the mountains? 
4. Once it stopped raining what types of birds did Noah send out? 
5 . The dove came back the first time because it couldn't find dry ground. Noah waited seven days and sent the dove out again. What did the Dove bring back? 
6. What did Noah do once the flood waters receded and the Ark rested on dry ground? 
7. God promised never to flood the entire earth again. What does God put in the sky to remind us of this promise?